Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Have I mentioned lately how much I hate big cities and driving in them (even without a trailer). Well if I haven't then let me say it again I hate big cities and the traffic that comes with them. Where are all those people going? Drove through Phoenix and Las Vegas today....wow....sure wish there were ways around them, since I have to come back through them again in a few months. Get to do Salt Lake City and that whole gaggle of towns along one freeway, sort of like Seattle. Did I mention I like my small town and no traffic lights lately? Good thing Rich sleeps through the whole thing, if not he would be chattering and shaking with fear from all the crazy drivers. Highlight of the trip today was going across the new Hoover Dam Bridge ....bastards made the sides of the bridge higher than the truck so that you can't see down to the dam (probably a good thing since stupid drivers would probably drive off the damn bridge). Anyway, one thing off the bucket list, although it was suppose to have been done on a motorcycle....

1 comment:

  1. What? No Masshole story? No "I hate driving" story of yours is complete without at least one reference to seeing a Masshole somewhere unexpected. They are all following you, you know. :)
