Thursday, August 28, 2014

Somebody's been spending too much time in the car.

Extra BC energy: HERE

Day 28: Drive to State College (28 Aug 14)

Made the drive through the rolling green hills of Pennsylvania to State College.  The weather is gorgeous - sunny and cool.  This is the first time we've been able to sit outside since we left Ft Huachuca - not humid , no biting bugs, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Lots of breweries in State College, and we discovered our first one today - the Happy Valley Brewing Company.  Gotta love the name (especially since it's what the locals also call the Mt Washington Valley, where we live in NH).  Food was phenomenal - local, fresh, innovative.  Beer was decent too. Definitely not the college bar we feared it would be.

Tomorrow:  Riding trails where the local legend is that the elves come out every night to sharpen the rocks.  Should be interesting for our crash tally.

Day 27: The Great Allegheny Passage (27 Aug 14)

No good singletrack in the area, so we set off on a rail trail, the Great Allegheny Passage, which is part of the C. & O (Chesapeake and Ohio) rail trail. It was so pretty - just flat and relatively straight, but along the river the whole way and under big leafy trees. We brought the pups for the first 2 miles, but Sunday's little legs couldn't keep up, so we brought them both back to the RV while we headed out for another 20 miles without them.
Upon our return, Jen took Finn out for a ride by himself. 4 miles of all-out running, with a couple of dips in the river to cool off. Damn, that dog can run!!
But no, that wasn't the end of pup adventures - after that, we took them both down to the boat dock to swim. There was a flock of about 20 geese swimming there - both dogs went into full-on herding mode, and swam out to the geese, trying to circle them. Luckily for us, even when they are heading, both dogs do an immediate about-face when Doug uses his "commando voice", which he did every time they looked like they were going to get attacked by angry geese.  They both survived their adventures and lived to herd another day. Video here:  Herding geese in Pennsylvania: HERE
The rest of the afternoon was filled with travel planning and some work stuff for Jen.  Tomorrow, off to State College, PA.