Thursday, August 28, 2014

Day 28: Drive to State College (28 Aug 14)

Made the drive through the rolling green hills of Pennsylvania to State College.  The weather is gorgeous - sunny and cool.  This is the first time we've been able to sit outside since we left Ft Huachuca - not humid , no biting bugs, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Lots of breweries in State College, and we discovered our first one today - the Happy Valley Brewing Company.  Gotta love the name (especially since it's what the locals also call the Mt Washington Valley, where we live in NH).  Food was phenomenal - local, fresh, innovative.  Beer was decent too. Definitely not the college bar we feared it would be.

Tomorrow:  Riding trails where the local legend is that the elves come out every night to sharpen the rocks.  Should be interesting for our crash tally.

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