Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Day 4: Williams to Flagstaff (04 Aug 14)

Arrived in beautiful Flagstaff early enough to scope out our new favorite trails EVER.  (See a pattern here?).  Weather is a beautiful sunny 72 degrees with a light breeze.  Within the first mile, Jen was saying "that's it, we're never leaving!"  We were both amazed by all the green -  grassy, trees, and even flowers!  Finished out the day with a short hike behind the campground with the pups and a trip to Flagstaff Brewing Company for us. Jen's now busy looking for jobs in Flagstaff. .

Day 3: Grand Canyon (03 Aug 14)

Another early wake-up in an effort to beat the crowds to the Grand Canyon.  It worked; there was only one car ahead of us when we reached the front gate (on our way back out, there were 3 lanes of traffic, each backed up at least 30 cars each, waiting to get in!).  Thanks to the National Parks Service program, we got in for free because of Jen's active duty military status (usually $25/person!).  See the pic below of the ginormous elk who greeted us within the first mile of the park.   

Doug found an article in a magazine that directed us to an unmarked trail out to a deserted point with fantastic views. Seriously, there wasn't a single human being anywhere with ear or eye shot, which, if you've ever been to the Grand Canyon, you know how rare that is! Despite the misting, foggy weather, there were breaks where we could see some of the canyon (check out the pics below).

Then, just out of curiosity, we drove to the visitors center and fought the crowds for different views of the canyon.  Within a few minutes, though, we were both annoyed and ready to get the hell out of there.  We did our obligatory reenactment of the famous "vacation" movie where Chevy Chase spends 2 seconds looking at the Grand Canyon and then rushes the family back to the car, and we were out.

Ended the day with a rainy walk with the pups at Dogtown Lake Park in Williams.  These two desert dogs were overwhelmed by all the new smells and the feel of soft pine needles under their paws.

Day 2: McDowell to Williams (02 Aug 14)

Mission:  Beat the heat.  Up at 0420 to get a ride in before the sun cooked us alive. Rode our favorite trails EVER one last time (until we retire and spend our winters here anyway).  Even that early it was 85 degrees! 
Mission successful, and we were packed up and on the road North before 9.

Williams, otherwise known as the "Gateway to the Grand Canyon" is a cute little tourist town centered around the famed Route 66 (and was, in fact, the last town to be bypassed, according to a billboard on the outskirts of town).  We promptly found the Grand Canyon Brewing Company and rehydrated from our morning desert ride.  We were astonished to see little piles of snow on the ground, and to need a long-sleeved shirt!  From 105 to 60 in one day!

Day 1: Ft. Huachuca to Phoenix (01 Aug 14)

On her first day as a civilian, Jen slept in until 0600, and enjoyed several leisurely cups of coffee outside in the shade.  Then we were off to McDowell Mountain Regional Park just north of Phoenix to ride our favorite trails EVER one last time. By the time we got there it was a blistering 106 degrees, with warning of severe monsoon storms, so no riding that day for us.