Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Day 2: McDowell to Williams (02 Aug 14)

Mission:  Beat the heat.  Up at 0420 to get a ride in before the sun cooked us alive. Rode our favorite trails EVER one last time (until we retire and spend our winters here anyway).  Even that early it was 85 degrees! 
Mission successful, and we were packed up and on the road North before 9.

Williams, otherwise known as the "Gateway to the Grand Canyon" is a cute little tourist town centered around the famed Route 66 (and was, in fact, the last town to be bypassed, according to a billboard on the outskirts of town).  We promptly found the Grand Canyon Brewing Company and rehydrated from our morning desert ride.  We were astonished to see little piles of snow on the ground, and to need a long-sleeved shirt!  From 105 to 60 in one day!

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