Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Day 19: Humid Humid Humid MTB & catching up with BFFs

Tried to beat the heat and humidity by getting out early this morning, but we were both soaked before we even left the parking lot at the trailhead! Blech. 😰

Trails were fun - clearly built by mountain bikers for mountain bikers.  Mostly smooth and swoopy, with just a few wet roots and rocks thrown in for a little challenge. The real challenge, though, was not eating too many ginormous spiders. It rained last night, so the spiders were all out rebuilding their webs across the trail. Jen assumed her usual position in front, and did a good job clearing several webs, until she cleared one with her face and the giant orange spider wound up inside her helmet.  After a lot of spitting, screaming, and helmet throwing, Doug took over as Chief Spider Killer and frontman.  Ten miles later, we were both covered in mud & spider webs, and drenched in sweat. Blech.  The good news was there was a LOT of air. Breathing was SO easy - just breathe in and fill the lungs. (If you've never biked/run/hiked at 8500 feet, just trust us on this one!) 😛

After showers and soaking up lots of air conditioning, we drove over to Leavenworth to visit Lisa & Dave, good friends from our DC days. We haven't seen them since 2010,and had never met their 2 kids, who have both been born since then. It was a great night of catching up and devouring some awesome homemade brisket.  Sadly, we were all yawning by 9:30, so the rest of our catching up will have to wait until next year when Lisa (hopefully) gets reassigned to a job in DC.

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