Friday, September 5, 2014

Day 36: the cabin (05 Sep 14)

Went up to see the cabin today - we were both very sad.  The property is very overgrown, weeds and trees everywhere, and Jen's garden is all but gone (except the peony bush).  No damage or anything to the cabin itself, it just made us both sad that we aren't there anymore.  The pups had a great time - just like our others who lived there, they Josh loved running free around the back 40 and hopping through the tick-infested weeds. In a surreal moment, Finn even went out on the front porch and laid down in Sandy's spot, surveying his domain (extra surreal if you know Finn - the damned dog NEVER lays down, especially in the middle of the day). 

We also had a chance to go to town hall and get our registration and plates for the RV and truck, and Jen was able to go to the DMV to get a new license. It was like a Saturday night live skit, trying to explain to the clerk why I have a NH license with an AZ address on it, but that my new address is in Missouri, but she can't mail it there because I don't know the address yet, so she should mail it to Florida, where we have a mail-forwarding service, but wait, they won't forward mail from a state DMV, so send it to New Jersey so my parents can forward it for me. The poor little ladies' brains were hot by the time we were done with that one. Thankfully, the DMV in Twin Mtn, NH is one of the few in the world where you are usually the only customer in the place. Seriously. 

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