Thursday, August 27, 2015

Weekend in Banff

After 5 days of riding, we were all content to hang around Banff and be tourists. Saturday morning, James and Jen went for a hike up Tunnel Mountain (think Canmore for NH peeps), which was a great little hike except that the morning fog hadn't yet lifted so there was no view.  After Pete cooked us all a gourmet breakfast of eggs benedict, we waddled our way to the local ski area, Mt Norquay,  and took the ski lift to the top, where we were rewarded with the most amazing views (and local beer).  Then, it was back into town for Doug's birthday dinner at the best steakhouse on earth (suck it, Mortons) - Saltlik. Amazing amazing amazing food, including filet with Stilton Blu cheese, lobster mashed potatoes, and top shelf wines.  To.  Die.  For. 
Sunday, James and Jen went for another early morning hike and then we all went our separate ways.  Pete and Pat rode thru the night (getting "misdirected" a few hundred clicks along the way) to get back to Seattle, Brookes braved the bus to the airport and the long wait at the Calgary airport, and Doug, Jen, ad James headed north to Jasper.

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