Monday, October 31, 2011

Look H has its own overwatch blimp

Woohoo. Pup isn't going to be able to walk tomorrow.

Weather Conditions from The Weather Channel

Take note of the RECORD HIGH temps. What is it with us and "record
cold" "record hot" "record snow" "record rain". No matter where we go!


Weather for Fort Huachuca, AZ

Generally clear. Low 54F. Winds light and variable.

Mainly sunny. Near record high temperatures. High 82F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15

Not sure you can get the full effect here but this bag of chips at
4500' elevation at Fort H is about to come apart at the seams.
Ok time for old guy war story about us taking things like this up with
us when we did high altitude freefall jumps at 30,000ft+. We would
have a pool as to when they would burst. Needless to say the air crew
was not coming out of the plane to catch us after we made a mess in
their plane with chips, soda, beer, cans of nuts, etc.
(wow I can't believe I just wrote that....must be from hanging out near all
the retired snowbirds here at the rv park)
OK so I have been traveling for 9 days now without incident.  I get off the interstate for the final leg of the trip on the road that goes to Fort Huachuca.  At the end of ramp is 4 way stop.  I stop, it is clear and then start through to turn left.  Here comes this car blowing through the stop sign.  I slam on brakes, electric brakes on trailer make this awful squealing noise and then I clean Rich off the dashboard.  I look at car and it is a woman driving a car with at license plate from..........drum roll.............YES YOU GUESSED IT (I cant say it was a Masshole since Jen doesnt believe in my conspiracy theory).  After saying the appropriate comment about "those" people I drive on.  

Not more than 1/2 mile down the road there are 3 Border Patrol cars and agents out on road with stopped truck.  On the hood of one of the cars are two latino (On a wild hunch I will say Mexican) looking gentlemen in cuffs.  They are watching the other BP agents ripping the quarter panels off their truck with large bales of some sort of drug (I am going out on a limb here) fall out onto the ground.......

Welcome to our new HOME..........

OK AT&T you are about to lose a customer. No freaking 3G here at Fort
H. But in the middle of NM where the closes town is 50-80 miles in any
direction I got 5 bar 3G. WTF. Verizon here I come.
Woohoo Fort Huachuca AZ
You know going across country you see a lot of stickers and sayings on
the back of RVs. Like "if this rv is rockin, don't come a knockin" or
"spending my kids inheritance.".
But this has to be the strangest. Was not a sticker but they paid
good money to have it painted on the back.
It says " and his bride has made herself ready". From REV.
WTF. They were in gAs station with me. Looked like normal 60
something couple. Then they passed me doing 80 and then I caught up
with them. They were on the side of the road in middle of nowhere.
Guess she was READY! Then they passed me again doing 80. Guess he wants to get to the next spot where she will be ready again.
I feel like Kat and her strange person stories.

OK here is the kicker to the story.....guess where they were from......drum roll ......NOOOOO not Massholes but were WASHINGTONIANS...


Sunday, October 30, 2011

97 lb rattle snake from campground where I am at. Better keep rich inside.

Resting in cool grass

Yep that is a bloody nose. Fell off the bed. Didn't land in the nice
soft new bed like he has in the last 2 time he fell off. This time
onto hard floor. Only poor Richie could do this.
OK you know a city is way to big when it takes over 80 miles to get
from one side to the other. And at 4am on a 10 lane freeway you pass
3 major one car accidents (with fire trucks and 5+ cop cars) that
block all but one lane and dead bodies in road. As well as 4 minor
accidents (without fire trucks). Hell of a Saturday night in the big

Just sayin'

I like my little NH town of <1000 people, no traffic lights and takes
< 1 min to get through town.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

From Maggie

Ok if I had thumbs I would take a picture like this of dad laying on
the floor in InO hamburger coma. I don't think he feels so well.

Woohoo Richie

Or as much as he can be at 14.

Yep you guessed it. If you zoom in you can see that this car an every
other car has a Masshole plate. In freaking Texas. Now I know they
are following me and how they have so many Masshole cars out of the

What are the odds of this happening TO ME! No conspiracy theory here
AT ALL. OMG! I also bet they are all headed to AZ as well.

He had passed me before so I had camera ready this time.

So there I was. Car hauler passes me with all these cars. Some nice
ones BMW etc.

All of us trying to walk off the InO

One down only 4 more to go.....

Maggie eating someone's fries....

Ok so I spent all that time in line, wasnt just going to buy ONE, so I bought 5 double doubles and 5 fries.  One fore Brookes (yes of course you are first), James, Patrick, Jen and Me......

Notice the nice little carry box, I think the cardboard was rated for 25lbs....

Wait, you guys arent here....damn the luck, guess I and the pups will have to eat them for you....

I am still in line looking back at the cars in the field across the road.....poor suckers still have another 30 cars to wait for to get their orders.

Not sure how this one got out of sequence. 

Who needs an order thingy when you have your own personal InO servants to do it all for you.

All in all this was better than some amusement parks I have been to....worth the drive across country for....sure glad I didnt go inside.....

Ok they one guy doing nothing but directing traffic since this line crossed the road that went into COSTCO (which was a good thing to prevent InO rage on the road for line cutters).....

Then they had another 4 little InO people taking orders.  When you got closer another one would come to your car verify order and take payment, run back to building, and then bring back receipt/change.  Then you drove up to one window they gave you any drinks and then to the main window where all things holy come from and you receive your order.  

Then it is another 5 min to run back through the cones and traffic and waddling customers coming out of the InO to get back to the road.

What you cant see is the loop that this line makes....before getting to building.  All those cars in the distance are a small view of the parking lot

OK I pull in off the street to your right in the picture and through a maze of cones to end up in a field next to the InO behind 30 cars in line for the take out.  That is right I said 30......that was since I did not want to park in the field on the other side with the other 50 for people inside.....

Wild guess here but I am guessing InO has caught on here like the West.


As the Angela sing! And the sky opens.

Look what I found

In-n-Out Locations DFW

So many to go to and so little time.........

Ok back to crew rest then

I'm up. Need anything from your co-pilot?

Still alive and very cranky. But cranky is good!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Not a good day for San.

Norvell Luck Lost Out on This One

But there is always Northern CA and Oregon where it can catch up......


Winter Storm Watch for Southern Coos, NH


Thursday, October 27, 2011

After...OK maybe more than ONE...I dont feel so good, hope the pups can drive...hey that is right I have a co-pilot.
Thought I was going to end up out of WC country before I got ONE...
Look who showed up for WC
Campground patrol
Last time I saw Maggie was here...
No Sandy is not sitting on her head, Maggie put her head up underneath Sandy's butt on her own....guess it smelled good or was warm....

Tuesday, October 25, 2011