Sunday, July 31, 2011

Evening Patrol

Checking out the leech field, they would/could not do it without me being there with them....
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Everything in place. Kitty,Chicken and Mulford.

Tough Life

Saturday, July 30, 2011

One of those nice evenings at the cabin.

On patrol all by herself. Mom would be proud.

Sun Spotting

Friday, July 29, 2011

Fresh air.

Perhaps the one benefit to brown dog waking me up so early

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Yes Beer Fans the MOAT has canned their beer.

What is says is " Pale Ale In, Pale Yellow Out"Posted by Picasa

Rich is asking how I am going to lift him up into this thing.

My new ride

Needed a bigger truck to pull the trailer. So just next step up truck (2500).

Mmmmmmm Pork Sliders

Ahhh Home Sweet Home ( almost).

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I think Maggie appreciates me finding dog bed #9

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Funny dogs. Big storm rolling through and they both wanted to go out
and watch it. That is until the first big thunderclap.

Even the small grocery in Whitefield has something other than a Bud/Miller.

A little smaller.

Maggie helping with lilac trimming. Bitching about limbs falling on her.

There was a doe standing out back this morning he saw it now is for
sure it will return. I am afraid he is going to fall off need to find
the helmet quick.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Did my patrol, where is the treat?

Cleaning. All going to dump.

Something definitely good came through here.

Buddy team

I think she found the PP trail...

Taunting me

Quills he left as a calling card that he visited last night.

Maggie out on her own

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Evening patrol from the bed.

Pack Patrol

Sandy actually out doing a perimeter check this morning.

Snake hole (was a big ass snake under the lawn mower that was sitting here......or maybe a mouse / mole

Resting after several days of doing nothing but panting

Sunday morning on the deck (without mom)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

8 beds in the house and he has to be close to Maggie. Mags is not
happy about it.

Amazing to me how happy this dog is to be back other than the heat.

Really miss Jen

Sorry babe don't miss you this much (yet).was just rotating our avian
flu supply of beer (left over from Oct 2007)

Hot pups. Rich always has to be close to Maggie. And she gives him that
WTF look of 'dont you know it is hot' then storms off grunting.

Bring it on Procupine!!!!

Jen brought me back to reality after I posted this and told me I didnt have the heart to shot a helpless animal. She is probably right, but I sure as hell can scare the crap out of it.....(and Richie as well I am sure).

Lilac bush out of control. Maggie thinking I wonder if any cooler
under this thing.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Finally a king size bed enough room for all of us.