Sunday, September 21, 2014

Day 52: Missouri (21 Sep 14)

Drove over 300 miles today from Hot Springs, Arkansas to Springfield, Missouri. Passed no fewer than 100 mega-churches with ginormous crosses reaching high over the highway.... eerie. Welcome to the Bible Belt, hope we don't shake the place up too much.

Campground here is nice, with big huge grass fields to play ball with the pups. We'll be here a few days, getting done all the things that one needs to do in a big city before venturing out to the middle of bumfuck USA.

Day 51: MTB Arkansas II (20 Sep 14)

Battled 89% humidity to get another piece of Arkansas singletrack today. We did a 12-mile section of a 37-mile epic trail here in the Ouachita National Park.  Trail was very different than yesterday's trail, not as fast and swoopy, and no lake breeze to cool things down. By the end we were beat!

While Doug prepped for the long drive tomorrow, Jen met up with one of her roommates from her "learn how to play army" school at Ft Benning back in 2010.

Tomorrow, back to Missouri.