Sunday, August 17, 2014

Puppy Adventures

Just a few pics of our furry kids from along the trip that haven't made into blog entries before. They've learned how to swim in Durango, ate antelope antlers, climbed trees in Colorado Springs, sat on Jens lap in the car, and hunted (or herded, in Finn's case)  the millions of bunnies in different Colorado campgrounds.  They're enjoying this trip as much as we are,  even without all the beer!

Day 17: New state! (17 Aug 14)

Left Colorado early this morning to continue our trek East. Made it to WaKeeney, Kansas. Jen has never been to Kansas before, so this really is a totally new state. So far, it's pretty boring - lots of cornfields and silos and it's 98 degrees!  We did have the "new state on the RV map" ceremony, though.

Tomorrow, on to Ft. Leavenworth to spend some time with good friends who are currently stationed there, Lisa & Dave, who we haven't seen in over 3 years! 😊

Day 16: Colorado Fun Continues (16 Aug 14)

For our last MTB Ride in Colorado, we headed up to the Air Force Academy (USAFA) to ride the 13-mile Falcon Trail on the base.  Despite the 1361 ft of elevation gain, it was fun, fast, and beautiful.  The trail took us up to ledges with beautiful views, through Meadows dotted with wildflowers, and over several stream crossings.  We rode a ledge high above the football stadium (no game going on, though), and had a great view of the famous spires of the chapel and barracks. It was absolutely beautiful.  At the end of the ride, Jen said she could ride that "all day" and asked if we could stay another day so we could ride it "again and again and again" . Doug was not amused and whimpered something incomprehensible. 

Saturday evening, we made plans to meet up with an Army friend of Jen's (at a brewery of course).  We had just enough time to visit one other brewery,  the Smiling Toad, before we had to head downtown. The only good thing about this brewery was the brewery dog, a very friendly yellow lab named Ella, who clearly owned the place. The beer wasn't anything to blog about, unfortunately.  Then it was off to downtown to the Phantom Canyon brewery, the oldest brewery in Colorado (according to their menu anyway).  We never did meet up with the Army friend Jen had planned to meet, but we did get to have dinner and beers with a different Army friend who's also currently stationed in Colorado Springs. It was a fun night of Army stories, gossip about JAG corps legends, and catching up.  Unfortunately, we were so caught up in socializing that we forgot to take a picture of us all together. 😯