Saturday, August 9, 2014

Day 9: MTB Durango (09 Aug 14)

Today, we jumped into the Durango mountain bike scene. The mountains here are, uh, how should I put this.... MOTHER FREAKING HUGE!  We were both gasping for air at 7500+ ft of elevation (and the trail only went up from there) and conquering lots of short, steep hills. There's a reason why everyone in this town looks like an REI model. We made it 10 miles though, up and around two buttes, before we succumbed and enjoyed a long downhill back to the car. Note the picture below of the bones alongside the trail - looks like some other rider wasn't so lucky. (just kidding, they were animal bones!)

Since Durango is a lot like North Conway (touristy and packed with flatlanders on the weekends) we opted to enjoy our patio at the campground and grill the veggies and peaches Jen was so excited to find at a roadside farmstand.  (you don't realize how much you miss roadside farmstands until you've spent 3 years in the desert!!)

Days 7 & 8: Flagstaff to Gallup to Durango (07-08 Aug 14)

Day 7 - Took the pups for a short hike in Flagstaff, then reluctantly pulled out of town to continue our journey East. We'll be back, Flagstaff... we'll be back. 😆

Stopped in Gallup, NM only because it was the half-way point to Durango.  We've been there a few times before, and already ridden all the trails there, so we used this as a much-needed rest day.

Day 8 - Out early to make our way to Durango, CO.  Amazing how the landscape changes so dramatically on this leg of the trip.  We went from the tan and stone of the AZ desert, to the lush green and flowers of Flagstaff, back to the dusty, tan desert of NM, and now finally back to lush green meadows, mountains, and flowers.  The campground is beautiful, and we have a giant site with a gorgeous patio, which is making the pups very happy!  Weather is dry and sunny, with temps in the high 70s and a beautiful mountain breeze.  Although we've both been to Colorado before, we've never been here together, and never in an RV, so we ceremoniously added a new state sticker to our map (See pics below)

Since we got here too late to ride, we called the first day a 'tourist day' and headed into downtown Durango.  Cute little historic mountain town with lots of breweries. We hit two, and saved the rest for the next few days.