Thursday, November 10, 2011

We are finally back at Fort Lewis.....whew!

Adventure 2.1 is officially ended !
(while we prep for Adventure 3.0 to AZ)

Miles Traveled:
9000 miles & 900 gallons of gas (it is a big truck)

28 "Welcome To" Signs:
Washington - Start/Finish
Idaho - x2
South Dakota
Pennsylvania x2
New York x2
Massachusetts x2
Vermont x2
New Hampshire
New Jersey
West Virginia
New Mexico

  1. 575 blog entries are time consuming.....even if they are just pictures
  2. Richie makes a crappy co-pilot, but a great travel companion.  He is always there and willing to be petted to help reduce my blood pressure.
  3. This is Sandy's 5th trip coast to coast (not sure she appreciates it now as much when she could look out the window for 'bad' trucks. 
  4. Sometimes it is the little things that make your long day driving better, like a White Castle or In N Out sign
  5. This is my 20th coast to coast trip (east to west or west to east) and here are some things I have seen or learned in those 20 trips.
    • There is a lot of beautiful land in this country (even from the interstate)
    • There is a lot of open, unoccupied or low occupancy land / areas 

More to follow
All of them seem happy to be home finally.

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Strange to see color this late

Ahhh real mountains

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

OK I know I just complained about big cities and knew that SLC was going to be bad....and yes it was self-inflicted since I could have gone around it in the Nevada, but damn where are all these people going and why are they going at it so fast.  And I had done most of it perviously, so knew it would be bad.  Most of the route was in the middle of construction, and the posted speed limit was 55, it anyone (other than me) was doing less than 75 I would be very surprised....even the trucks.  I think SLC can give DFW, SEA,  and DC a run for the money as the longest and worst single road through a city.  Now dont confuse that as the worst city traffic, Houston still owns that one in my book (not counting the obvious ones or NYC, CHI and LA) you think I have driven way too much????

But this was the first time I had ever been on the road between Las Vegas and SLC. Wow, was it worth it, as you can see in the pics in the previous post. Although they dont do it justice, the pass that you have to go through ranks right up there as one of the best roads I have done in the US. Amazing that you are driving along this mountain chain/ridgeline and then all of a sudden this small opening is there and the road goes right into it and through the pass.

And no, as Jen has chided me for, there have been no Masshole sitings.  So I do not take that as they having stopped following me.  I take it as I have lost them by my change of plans and they will catch back up with me back in the Seattle area where they know I live.  :o (mark my words for the next masshole siting)

My views today

Hoover Dam can see the high sides
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Pups enduring the long ride....tough life.

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One of the many sitings along the way, this one was in SLC. Did not realize they were that far North. Just let it go by.....sad to be so over-saturated.
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What a smart idea. Wood floors vs. carpet in a hotel room. Sandy
isn't likin it so much.

Maggie is concerned over her bowl having a broken leg.

A little cold in Utah.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Have I mentioned lately how much I hate big cities and driving in them (even without a trailer). Well if I haven't then let me say it again I hate big cities and the traffic that comes with them. Where are all those people going? Drove through Phoenix and Las Vegas wish there were ways around them, since I have to come back through them again in a few months. Get to do Salt Lake City and that whole gaggle of towns along one freeway, sort of like Seattle. Did I mention I like my small town and no traffic lights lately? Good thing Rich sleeps through the whole thing, if not he would be chattering and shaking with fear from all the crazy drivers. Highlight of the trip today was going across the new Hoover Dam Bridge ....bastards made the sides of the bridge higher than the truck so that you can't see down to the dam (probably a good thing since stupid drivers would probably drive off the damn bridge). Anyway, one thing off the bucket list, although it was suppose to have been done on a motorcycle....

Monday, November 7, 2011

Don't look. Don't look. Don't look.

Dad! Dad! Don't say they are gone. Noooooooo!

Choices. His brain is hot. InO fries on the floor with San or stay
on bed where it is safe.

Darn the luck! Another one.

Headed home to WA.

Needless to say the pups are a little confused with a motel room.

She'll never be the same. Spoiled w new bed

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Funky looking cactus.

Finally got San out for short walk

Wow what a difference in weather today. Almost like JBLM.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Out exploring the post today (trail hunting). There is a whole different eco system in these hills west of, and still on, post.

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Everyone wonders how he manages to fall off the bed....does this explain it. Looks like he is going to do a swan dive into a pool (i.e. dog bed). Yes he is/was sleeping.

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Maggie decided to mark as well

Marking his presence at the dog park

Enjoying cool day outside


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Adventure to a nice lake southwest of the Fort.

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