Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Day 6: More Flagstaff Adventures (06 Aug 14)

Last day in Flagstaff (unless Jen gets serious about finding a job fast!).  Nearly killed ourselves on a lung-busting, treacherous MTB ride. The views at the end were good, but not worth the nearly 14 miles of pain. We were even too tired to find a brewery after that!  Tomorrow:  heading east to Gallup, NM.

Day 5: Flagstaff Adventures (05 Aug 14)

Had a leisurely "we're on vacation" kind of morning before heading out for an epic ride up a mountain under ponderosa pines, and then down an awesome stream bed.  Now Jen REALLY wants to move here. Finished up the day with two breweries - Lumberyard and Beaver Street.
For details of our rides, go HERE