Friday, August 22, 2014

Day 22: St Louis (22 Aug 14)

Drove to St. Louis this morning. Staying at a KOA just west of the city - less than a mile from Six Flags.  We thought about spending a day at Six Flags, but it's still in the 90s with over 60% humidity, and schools not in session yet here, so we figured it would be packed with screaming children (remember, Jen gets hives).  So we'll save that for another trip. BTW, remind us that the next time we decide to move across the country (of course there will be a next time), to do it in the spring or fall!

First stop in the STL was White Castle for Doug.  He's been planning for this for several states now, so it was an important stop.  The truck now smells like onions and grease, and he keeps holding his stomach saying "I don't feel so good" but apparently that's a sign that everything met his expectations.  Even the pups got in on the WC action, chowing down on the French fries Doug saved for them. 

Right behind the WC was a sign for a store named "Dickey Bub Farm & Home" . How do you NOT go into a store named "Dickey Bub"?  Turned out to be like a CalRanch, and Doug even found the screws he needed to fix something on the RV. I guess that makes us honorary hillbillies.

Since we hadn't been to any middle-america brewpubs, we had to find one here. Surprisingly, we found one in a little industrial town called Pacific - looked like a dive from the outside, but they had good beer, great food, cold air conditioning, and excellent service.  Of course, Doug didn't need to eat because he was still holding his stomach from all the WC.

Not a bad stopover, all things considered.  O'dark-thirty departure tomorrow morning, headed to Kentucky.